how to check sassa r350 grant payment date

How to Check SASSA R350 Grant Payment Date?

You were living below standard life. Someone showed you light about asking you to apply for SASSA aid. You applied, and the cherry on the cake is your application has been approved. Now, the question arises of when you will get your grant payment. 

SASSA issues payment dates every month for each approved grant holder. We have summarized a complete guide on how to check SASSA R350 grant payment dates. You will not spend your upcoming life in darkness. 

What is SASSA?

The South African Social Security Agency is a fantastic project by the South African Government. This great initiative is helping people living in high distress and finding it hard to meet their ends. 

Millions of people, including children, older, and disabled, are getting monthly stipends from SASSA. The aid is helping them to improve their social and economic life. 

The government is also using SASSA to monitor the country’s socio-economic situation.

How do you check SASSA R350 Payment Date?

Most of the time, SASSA informs clients about payment dates through SMS. If it is your first payment from the SASSA grant, you are anxious about payday. 

You can use two methods to check SASSA R350 payment dates online. 

Visiting the Official SASSA website

The foremost step to check the SASSA R350 payday is through the official government website.

Here are a few simple steps to follow:

  1. Visit the website through the link: (
  2. First, you need to put your South African ID number.
  3. Second, enter your phone number.
  4. Both of these should be the same that you used while applying.
  5. Hit the submit button.
  6. You will get your grant payment day details if your application has been approved. 
  7. If it is not showing up, keep checking after some intervals.

Using Moya App

The other method to check R350 payment dates is using a third-party mobile app named Moya. It is an excellent alternative to checking payday in case of failure on the official website. 

Moya app is a free mobile application available on Google Playstore. Follow the given below steps for smooth checking:

  1. Install the app from the Play Store.
  2. Get to the discovery option.
  3. Hit the SRD icon under that menu.
  4. Enter your South African ID number and phone number from your application. 
  5. Hit the submit button.
  6. That’s it. You will get your SASSA R350 payday on your screen. 
  7. You can select your payment month for specific results. 

Note: The payment dates only appear when your application is approved. If your status didn’t show payday, check after some time.

People Also Read: SASSA R350 Grant Payment Date

Status Declined While Checking Payment Dates

Sometimes, the status of checking payment dates shows the ‘declined’ result. It means your application has been rejected. 

The SASSA R350 grant payday is only shown to approved applicants. So, what should I do next if my status is declined? 

SASSA allows you to appeal your rejection within 30 days. After this duration, again check your payment dates. If the rejection issue persists, contact SASSA on their phone and discuss your application concerns.

Status Pending While Checking Payday

You are eagerly checking SASSA R350 grant payment dates, but the status is pending. 

There is nothing to worry about. Keep calm because your application is still under processing. You can check again after a few days until an approved status or payday appears. 

People Also Read: SASSA R350 Grant Status Check

SASSA R350 Grant Check your Next Payment Date

You have received your first payment from SASSA aid or have been getting it for some time. You’re wondering when the next payment from the SASSA R350 grant will be transferred to your bank details. 

You can follow the two methods we discussed before to check your next payment date. You will get a notification on your registered phone number, too. The number you gave on the application should remain active during your grant.

Final Lines

We have given you two legit ways to check SASSA R350 grant payment dates. These ways are working for millions of applicants of SASSA. You can even get your hands on a yearly schedule of payment dates using the same method, or you can check out our homepage

There can be a status pending or declined while checking. It is normal, and you need to show patience. If you ever find another error or status, let us know!

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