child support grant application status

Child Support Grant Application Status [Quic Guide]

Ever wonder about your child support grant application status? Wonder no more! This article guides understanding where your application stands, what the outcomes signify, and what steps you can take next. We’ll break it down in simple terms to help you stay informed and empowered throughout the journey. 

Every parent or guardian knows how vital a child support grant is. It’s not just about money; it’s a way to improve the future. Let’s be by your side in this uncertain journey, explain the steps, and figure it out together.

How do you check the Child Support Grant Application Status?

1. SASSA Helpline

● Call SASSA Helpline: Dial the official SASSA helpline number,

        0800 60 10 11

● Provide Application Details: Follow instructions and give your application reference number and other requested personal information.

● Wait for Status Update: Listen to the representative who will provide your application status.

● Note Down Status: Write down the status provided for your records.

2. Visit a SASSA Office:

● Locate the nearest SASSA office using the SASSA website or other reliable sources.

● Visit the office in person.

● Present your application reference number and personal identification.

● The SASSA staff will assist in checking the status and providing relevant information.

3. Check Online (Website):

Go to SASSA Website: Visit the official SASSA website.

Find Application Status Section: Look for a section on checking application status. 

Enter Application Details: Input your application reference number and other requested information. 

Submit and Check Status: Submit the details and view your child support grant application status 

4. SASSA Mobile App:

Download the App: Get the SASSA mobile app from your app store. 

Log In or Register: Create an account or log in to the app.

Find Application Status Section: Look for the section to check application status.

Enter Information: Input your application reference number and required personal details.

Get Status: Submit the details and view your application status within the app.

5. SMS Inquiry:

● Compose SMS: Create a new SMS.

● SMS Format: Type “CG” (Child Grant), a space, and your ID number without spaces (e.g., “CG 1234567890123”).

● Send: Send the SMS to the SASSA SMS number.

● Wait for Reply: You’ll get an SMS response with your child support grant application status.

People Also Read: SASSA R350 Grant Status Check

Possible results and actions of child grant application status:

1. Approved: 

Your application met the requirements, and you will receive the child support grant.


● Verify Information: Double-check that all provided information is accurate and up to date.

● Monitor Bank Account: Monitor your bank account for the regular grant payments.

● Budget Wisely: Plan and allocate the grant towards the child’s necessities like food, education, healthcare, and clothing.

2. Pending: 

Your application is being reviewed, and a decision has not been made yet. 


● Wait Patiently: Patience is key. Allow SASSA time to process the application.

● Check for Updates: Regularly check the status through official channels.

● Visit Local Office: Consider visiting a SASSA office for an update.

● Appeal if Needed: Explore the appeals process if there are delays or issues.

3. Rejected: 

Your application was not approved, and you will not receive the child support grant.


● Understand the Reason: Learn why your application was rejected, understanding the specific reasons provided.

● Review and Correct: Check your application for errors and discrepancies, correcting any mistakes.

● Appeal if Eligible: If you believe the rejection is unjustified, follow the appeal process provided by SASSA.

● Seek Assistance: Reach out to SASSA or support organizations for guidance on reapplying or addressing the rejection.

● Reapply if Necessary: Correct any issues and reapply, ensuring all required documentation is accurate and complete.

People Also Read: SASSA R350 Grant Status Declined

4. Incomplete: 

Your application is missing information or documents and is not yet being processed.


● Find What’s Missing: Determine what information or parts are not done.

● Finish the Incomplete Parts: Complete the parts that need more details or documents.

● Send Quickly: Give the missing info as soon as possible so they can continue.

● Make Sure They Got It: Check if they received the new info and updated your application.

● Check Again: Look at your application again to be sure it’s all done.

● Keep Watching: See if your application moves forward after you give them what they need.

5. Under Review: 

SASSA is currently evaluating your application and has not made a final decision.


● Wait Patiently: Be patient and wait for SASSA to assess your application.

● Check for Updates: Regularly see if there’s any new information or requests from SASSA.

● Submit Additional Info: If asked, provide any extra information or documents they need.

● Stay Informed: Keep an eye on the status and follow any instructions given by SASSA.

● Be Available: Be ready to provide more details if they ask during the review process.

● Stay Patient and Positive: Be patient and hopeful while they look into your application.

6. On Hold: 

Your application is temporarily suspended, usually for further verification or additional information.


● Wait Patiently: Be patient and wait for SASSA to lift the hold.

● Understand the Reason: Learn why it’s on hold and what needs to be addressed.

● Follow Instructions: If given specific steps, follow them precisely to resolve the issue.

● Provide Necessary Info: Give any additional information or documents requested promptly.

● Stay Informed: Keep updated on the status and any communication from SASSA. 


In summary, staying informed about your child support grant application’s status is crucial for timely assistance. Understanding potential outcomes and taking necessary actions is key to ensuring your child receives the support they deserve.

In this journey for support, knowledge is your ally. Your determination will pave the way for a brighter future, ensuring the best possible care and opportunities for your family.


Processing times vary, but it usually takes a few weeks to a few months. Contact the agency or check their guidelines for estimated processing times.

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