how to confirm sassa r350 grant

How to Confirm SASSA R350 Grant? [Complete Guide] 

You are worried about your application for the SASSA R350 grant. You need the money badly to survive, but you won’t know if it’s been approved. You are so stressed out, and You want to see if you will get the money you need to pay your bills and feed your family.

A devastating outbreak of COVID-19 has affected many South Africans. Many people have lost their jobs and are struggling to make ends meet. Many individuals have benefited from SRD’s R350 grant by receiving much-needed financial assistance.

I know how it feels to be unsure of your R350 grant application status. I lost my job last year and had to rely on the grant to live. Here is how to confirm SASSA R350 GRANT online, on WhatsApp, or by calling SASSA.

Why Is It Important To Confirm Your Grant Status?

It is crucial to verify your grant status for the reasons listed below.

Approval of Application

You’re allowed to determine whether or not you have been accepted. You can start planning how to use this money once your approval is given.

Expected Payment Timeline

It’s a rough estimate of how long you can expect your payment.

Solving Grant Application issues

You can find the answer to any issues with your grant application there. You can resolve any application difficulties, such as incorrect or missing information, without delay.

How to Confirm Sassa R350 Grant Status?

It is essential to confirm the status of your application for a SASSA R350 grant. It is possible to do it online, through e-mail, telephone, or SMS.

How To Confirm Your Sassa Grant Status Online?

● Access the SASSA website.

● On the menu, click on”Check your status.”

● When you enter your ID number, press the submit option.

● The status of your SASSA grant will be displayed on the screen if an application is accepted, pending, or rejected.

● You can contact SASSA directly to check your application’s status if it is still pending.

Using the Moya App?:

● To download and install the Moya app, go to either Apple or Google Play Store.

● In the Moya app, select the SASSA Grant from Discovery.

● Check the status of the SASSA SRD by selecting from the drop-down menu in the app.

● You can choose the ‘Application Status’ option.

● You can add the ID number and any additional information you need.

●  From the menu, select ‘Submit’.

● The status of your SASSA grant will be displayed on the screen if an application is accepted, pending, or rejected.

Via WhatsApp:

● Download the WhatsApp App to your phone.

● To your contact list, add to save this number: 082 046 8553.

● To this number, send the word “STATUS” with your ID.

● SASSA will answer the status of your Sassa R350 grant or payment.

Using your Phone:

● You may call 0800 601 011.

● For the R350 grant, select Option 1.

● Please provide the customer service agent with your ID and cell phone number.

● The status of your Sassa R350 grant application or payment will be checked, and the customer service agent will provide you with information.

Through E-mail?

● To get a grantor’s email, check your inbox.

● Your application number and a link to check your status will usually be included in the email.

● You’ll find this link in the email.

● You’ll be taken to the grantor’s website.

● Please provide your application number and any other required information.

● Click on the check status button. The grantor will display your application’s status on the screen.

What does the SASSA R350 Grant Application Reconfirmation mean?

The SASSA Grant application process ensures that appropriate individuals receive the benefits. For the distribution of grants to be equal, applicants must verify their grant application. The reconfirmation of the SASSA R350 grant application ensures that individuals who have already applied for and received the grant still fulfill the required criteria.

This procedure may involve submitting additional documents or information to SASSA to verify ongoing eligibility for the grant. It is crucial to note that the SASSA R350 grant is only accessible for a limited period and is intended as a temporary measure.

Therefore, grant recipients need to be aware of the reconfirmation process if they wish to continue receiving the grant.

Why is it necessary to Reconfirm the SASSA R350 grant application?

Confirming your SASSA R350 grant application again benefits you as an individual. The reconfirmation process guarantees that you fulfill all the requirements set by SASSA.

There are several reasons why you need to reconfirm your SASSA R350 grant application, and these reasons are as follows:

  1. If you have recently relocated or modified your contact details, SASSA might request you to verify your grant application once more to update their records.
  2. SASSA might need to check the personal and financial details you give to decide if you qualify for the grant, especially the information you provided when you applied for it.
  3. If you have not received a payment from SASSA for a long time, they may ask you to confirm your grant application to ensure you are still alive.

Extra considerations to remember when Reconfirming your SASSA status

The status check may only sometimes be current, so it is advisable to contact SASSA directly if you have any inquiries regarding your application. Checking status is possible for any month, not only the present month. If your application is approved, you can also view the payment date.

User-Friendly Online Platform

● Accessing the SASSA website to check for updates on the status.

● Creating a personal account and logging in with unique credentials.

● Checking the real-time progress of grant applications and payment status.

● Updating contact details for SMS notifications.

Offline Channels for Accessibility

● Giving choices for individuals who have limited internet access.

● Using local SASSA offices for face-to-face inquiries about status.

● Providing dedicated helplines for phone-based inquiries.

● Ensuring inclusiveness by serving citizens from diverse backgrounds.

Enhancing service delivery and transparency

● Providing timely and accurate updates on grant applications.

● Increasing transparency in the grant allocation process.

● Addressing concerns and queries promptly to build trust in the system.

Features and Functionality

Essential characteristics and functionalities are listed below;

Real-time updates

Receive immediate information about your grant applications and payments.

Easy access

View your grant status online or receive updates through SMS notifications.


The system has a simple interface, making it easy to navigate.


Understand the progress of your application and the reasons for any delays.

Prompt notifications

Get timely SMS updates on the status of your grant.

Financial stability

Timely payments provide stability and reduce concerns about delays.


Check your grant status anytime, anywhere, without the need to visit in person.

Improved service

The system enhances SASSA’s ability to meet your needs effectively.

Better communication

Stay connected and informed about your grants quickly.


So you’ve got it, then!” The various ways to confirm your Sassa R350 grant is still valid. Regular status validation is essential, particularly if payment has not been made. If you’ve got any problems, feel free to contact SASSA customer service. Thanks for reading, and I’m hoping this will help you!


How do I Confirm if my SASSA R350 is approved?

To check the status of your R350 Appeal, you can call 0800601011 from a telephone number provided by Sassa. When talking to representatives of the Sassa Association, be ready to provide your ID and phone number. 

How frequently should I Reconfirm my SASSA R350 grant application?

The SASSA SRD R350 grant recipients should note that they are not required to renew their grant every three months, but the previous requirement to renew your grant every three months has been phased out by SASSA, so you don’t have to do anything!

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