sassa foster care grant

SASSA Foster Care Grant [5 Minute Guide]

In this time of inflation, fostering a child is very difficult as you can’t manage your expenses with their costs. You and the child face financial and emotional challenges. So, you need a permanent solution to this problem.

There comes the SASSA Foster Care Grant. It gives a solution to your problem. We will explain to you what is a foster care grant. How to apply for it? Its criteria. It’s different from child support. I did a lot of study on this subject and have summarized my results below for ease of use.

What is the SASSA Foster Care Grant?

The Foster Child Grant (FCG) is a payment made by the South African government to a foster parent of a child under 18. The grant is meant to help foster parents who need financial support to care for a foster kid or children.

Foster parents receive this grant, which is provided to them per child every month, so the more children you are trusted to care for, the more money you will receive in the form of this grant.

How much is a Foster Care Grant?

The foster kid grant paid by SASSA as of this date is R1130 per child, but this amount is subject to change every six months. It usually rises after six months to adjust for rising inflation

How long is a Foster Care Grant?

The foster care grant will stop when:

  • The child is no longer in the custody of the foster parent.
  • If the child turns 18, the grant will stop in the last month of that year. If the child is still attending school over 18, the foster placement can be extended until age 21.
  • The child leaves school at school leaving age
  •  The foster child or both foster parents pass away

Eligibility criteria

Child Eligibility

  • The child must be under the age of 18.
  • The child must need foster care

Caretaker Eligibility

  • The caregiver must be a South African citizen or a legal permanent resident.
  • The caregiver must be willing and able to provide care and support to the foster child.


Caretakers will provide documentation and evidence to support the child’s need for foster care and their relationship with the child.

Is the Mean test necessary?

The grant is subject to a means test, which assesses the financial situation of the caretaker and the child.

The Means Test calculates the applicant’s financial status, including their income, assets, and other economic factors, to ensure that only deserving individuals receive the grant.

There is no means test for the Foster Child Grant, so your assets and income do not affect eligibility. Foster parents must provide a court order indicating foster care status.

Needed documents to apply for a Foster care grant

  • These papers contain the foster child’s birth certificate that has been placed in your care. However, you may also offer a statement of faith or an affidavit if you don’t have this document.
  • You will also need your South African Identity card, but an affidavit or a sworn statement would suffice if you don’t have the ID.
  • On the other hand, if you are a refugee, you will also have to bring your status permit and refugee ID.
  • You must present your spouse’s South African ID if you are married.
  • You will prove your relationship status with your spouse through some documents. For instance, you will submit your marriage certificate if you are married. If your spouse dies, you must submit the death certificate.
  • And finally, you will have to bring in the court order that the child is entrusted to your foster care. 

How do you apply for a SASSA Foster Care Grant?


You will go to a SASSA office nearby to apply. You may have a procurator (family member or friend) apply for you if you are too ill, old, or disabled to go to the SASSA office yourself. The applicant should bring a letter from you authorizing the application.

The application form must be filled out in front of a SASSA officer and is available at the SASSA office. If you or the person you selected cannot complete the application form, the SASSA official will be able to help.

After completing the application, they will give you a receipt with a date and stamp, along with the name of the SASSA representative who helped you with your application. As evidence of your application, save your receipt. The application process is free.


Visit the SASSA services website through any device with a good internet connection. It can be a cellphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer.

Firstly, register as a new user on the SASSA services website by hitting the yellow “Register” button on the home page. They will ask you to provide the following personal information:

  • South African citizenship
  • Your ID number
  • Your ID document type (ID document/ temporary ID)
  • Gender title (Mr/ Mrs/ Miss)
  • Name and father’s name.
  • An active email address
  • You will choose a password. (Choose the strong password according to suggestions.) (Avoid a common word or name or a close variation.)
  • Rewrite the password to confirm.
  • The working cellphone number (your 10-digit South African cellphone number, starting with 0)

How long does it take to approve?

It may take up to three months to process your application. If your application is approved, you will be paid when the court places the child in your care.

What to do if approved?

You’ll receive official notification that your SASSA foster grant has been awarded, and you should pick up the grant money from a SASSA office or other authorized payment site. Open a bank account if necessary to use the grant for the child’s welfare.  

If not approved

If your application for a SASSA foster grant is rejected, consider why and decide whether to challenge the decision if you think it is unfair, make the necessary changes to your application, and submit it again—or ask SASSA for help.

Payment option

The payment options for the SASSA foster care grant in South Africa typically include:

  • Bank Account
  • SASSA Payment Points
  • In-Kind Payments

How to change the payment method

To change your payment method for an SASSA grant, go to an SASSA office with your ID, ask to change your payment method, complete the necessary paperwork, and present the required forms if you decide to switch to a bank account.

Check Foster Care Grant Balance

To check the balance of a foster care grant in South Africa, you can use the following methods:

Via SMS:

Send an SMS to 49200 with your ID number and the grant type (e.g., Foster Care)

SASSA Website:

  • Visit the official SASSA website.
  • Navigate to the “Grant Payments” or “Check My Balance” section.
  • Enter your ID number and the grant type to check your balance.

SASSA Helpline:

Call the SASSA helpline at 0800 60 10 11 and follow the prompts to inquire about your grant balance.

SASSA Office:

Visit your local SASSA office and request assistance to check your grant balance.

When can your grant be suspended?

A grant may be suspended for various reasons, including if the beneficiary or kid dies. It can be if they exceed an age limit, don’t renew the grant if there are other significant changes, or fail to report changes in circumstances.

Suspension of the grant may also result from changes in the foster child’s location, the foster parent’s status, or behavioral problems that harm the foster child’s health.

The details of a suspension can vary depending on the authority. Still, local agencies regularly advise foster parents so they can follow the regulations and protect the foster child’s safety. 

When may your grant lapse?

A foster care grant in South Africa may fail or expire if not renewed within the prescribed time frame. Foster care grants must typically be renewed annually according to SASSA standards.

Grants can also be canceled if the foster kid moves to another care. Changes in the foster parent’s eligibility status and abuse or disobedience by the foster parent may result in the grant being canceled.

Grant review

The grant review system starts in action immediately after your application submission. This whole process includes provided information, programmatic, and financial review. It takes some time to complete. 

Difference between foster care and child support grant

Foster care grants aim to provide financial assistance to people or families caring for a kid who is not their biological child but is in their custody.

A child support grant offers financial assistance to the primary caretakers of children under 18—typically, their biological or appointed guardians.


The Foster Care Grant in South Africa helps provide children placed in the care of non-biological caregivers comfort and stability to live a peaceful life.

So, we have explained what a foster care grant is, how it works, the method to apply for it, and everything you need to know about it.

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